Friday, May 22, 2009

In The Ayer!!

"When they say in a rap song, like they almost inevitably do, 'Throw your hands in the air, and wave them like you just don't care', wouldn't a better show of apathy be to do nothing at all?" -- Jimmy Carr

I haven't blogged in a while, and I know I've chosen a convoluted way to say that I'm starting to not give a shit about politics in general. I mean, of course I care, but for fuck's sake already.

As much as I hate to agree with Glenn Beck, he was on The View (where the chicken heads unfairly and predictably buck-bucked at every syllable he spoke) the other day and spoke about how the governing of our country has become just plain old entertainment. He's totally right. My friend Scott (the Conservative Hippie) and I were talking about this a few days before Glenn did and the serendipity was delightful!

Back to my apathy. Nancy Pelosi needs to stop being a douche about everything, I mean, she won't even entertain an idea if a Republican even sneezed in the same building it was thought up in. Joe Biden won't keep his fucking mouth shut about sensitive information he shouldn't be telling the world. Barack keeps throwing money at everyone (at least now, we're adding some caveats and stipulations to the "lending"). Rush and Glenn and Hannity won't stop screaming "SOCIALIST!!!!!" at every Liberal with a thought.

Enough is enough! Everyone is posturing for the cameras, trying to keep their names in the headlines and I'm really just sick of hearing about it. It's a circus. It's tiresome and it needs to stop. Everyone just needs to shut the fuck up and govern. Toss out your silly misconceptions about the other side and work together for the betterment of the country.