Sunday, July 12, 2009


The label "Atheist" has some pretty negative connotations lately. That's where my reluctance to apply this label to myself stems from. I danced around with "Agnostic" for a while, but I wasn't really being honest with myself.

The problem is that while the definition of atheist is spot on for me [I don't believe that there is a God], there's these negative implications that people take when you call yourself that. A lot of people think that because you don't believe in God, you're automatically Richard Dawkins Jr. If you're not familiar, many people refer to Dawkins as a "militant atheist" as he is unabashedly hateful towards religion and God in general and fires off at average believers specifically. I find that to be detrimental to other atheists, and honestly in poor taste for an academic like himself.

For me it boils down to one thing, I don't have faith. It's pretty simple. I don't believe in God, and I can't pretend that I do. I won't. But I also am not going to bash someone because they do. Will I laugh at an anti-religion or anti-God joke? Of course, I laugh at EVERYTHING, I'm simple. I won't, however, judge anyone negatively solely on the fact that they have a faith that I'm lacking. I respect everyone's religious beliefs, except maybe Scientologists and Hardcore Mormons, and in all honesty I'm envious of the faithful. It must be a comforting feeling for those with true faith in God, to absolutely know that He's watching over you, taking care of you.

I call myself a Humanist. It's atheism at it's purest, without all the "we hate you, Pope!" of the Dawkins and Myers atheists. I believe we, as humans, are in control of our lives and destinies. I'm a good dude because I am, not because I'm afraid of hell. I don't help people out because God's watching and taking notes, I do it because I'd like someone to help me when I need it. I don't have any problem at all with your religion unless you have a problem with my lack of it.

[As a side note, even though I don't believe I'm very interested in all aspects of every religion! Also, I love movies with a religious themes like Stigmata, Constantine and Angels and Demons.]