Sunday, September 13, 2009

8 Years Later

Believe me when I say, I absolutely respect and feel saddened for that tragic loss on September 11th, 2001. I'm not one of those "Truthers" because I'm smart enough to realize that if the government intentionally killed over 2000 people that day, they certainly wouldn't have allowed that guy who published "Loose Change" (and started all this mess) to release it, let alone live to tell about it. I mean, someone actually told me that a jet plane with a full tank wouldn't have exploded and didn't. What? They even said to me that they never showed the first plane hit on tv until the next day, only the second! What what? The list can go on and on. I think it's more like that episode of South Park, where the boys find out that the government didn't do it but wanted enough people to think they could have just to foster a good healthy fear of government!

Anywhen, that's not even the point I want to make in this post. I think we should have a fear of our government. We should be very scared of our government and those citizens who allow them to do whatever they want.

I understand, we were all emotional after 9/11. We were scared of this faceless enemy who brazenly attacked us. It was hard to see the horizon through the tears. The images of people leaping to their deaths to avoid suffocating or burning was painful to watch.

And we were angry. How dare they?? We wanted vengeance. Sure Mr. Bush, sure Mr. Cheney, do whatever it takes to find those bastards. Whatever you need, we will give it up. While I don't blame the government for what happened 8 years and 2 days ago, I do blame them for everything that happened afterwards.

They told us to watch our neighbors. They told us to fly our flags. They told us not to look behind the curtain, that everything was for our protection. They told us to send our brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, children, cousins and friends off to fight this massive threat. They named a bill "The Patriot Act", and we bought it. They called the prisoners "Enemy Combatants" and we said okay. They call Guantanamo Bay "Gitmo" and we think it's cute.

The Patriot Act allows the government to wiretap anyone for any reason. Because they feel like it. It also allows them to search whatever they want and then get a warrant afterwards, if they find something. They can search your medical and tax records, even what books you borrow from the library!

Guantanamo Bay aka Gitmo. I feel like I talk about this until I'm blue in the face, but people act like it's okay. What the fuck don't you people understand? Since when was it fucking okay to keep people prisoner indefinitely, and torture them just because they called their cousin who took a piss in a public bathroom in Iraq right next to someone who might have terrorist ties? Most of these prisoners have been there since January of 2002 and they still don't have charges against them. What? That doesn't bother you? Why not? Cause they're brown-skinned? Cause they're muslim? They are people. Living breathing actual real-life human beings. Every bit as valuable as me and you.

We're supposed to be America, Land of the Free. If they were Americans, or white people for that matter, those cocksuckers who say we should keep them until the war is over would be singing a different tune. What war, do you ask? The war on terror. That's right. That's the war we declared after 9/11, when we went into Afghanistan. The war on terror. When might that be over? Never. Never ever. The war on terror will never be over, and that makes lots of people very happy. They don't want to give us out freedoms and rights back. It's like a dream come true, we let fear make us complacent.

For all the rights we've given up, and all the lives lost since this war on terror, WE THE PEOPLE are NO safer, and NO better off. I thought Barry O. would help start the healing process, but he's right on board with Bush/Cheney. He renewed the Patriot Act, he bold-faced lied about closing Gitmo, and he could give two shits about bringing our troops home.

8 years later and we're still fucked.


  1. Was it (9-11) an "inside job"? I don't know. Nobody knows. The truth of the matter is, regardless if "we" were responsible or not, it will never, ever be known. Kind of like JFK's assassination. If we are to believe what the government tells us, that is, Oswald acted alone, then why the fuck are there documents of Oswald that we STILL can't see??? Why are people being linked to the CIA after all these years after the government denied the shit out of it back then?

    At the same time... its easy to believe why so many of us want to believe those things, and thats because companies owned by a lot of these cowboys made a nice profit afterwards.

    Our government treats us like we're all infants, like we can't handle any information on our own, so they backpedal and sugar coat things until the facts are so muddled with bullshit that we don't know shit therefore coming to our own conclusions of what probably happened, i.e.: the wonderful world of conspiracy!

    The Patriot Act... Freedom Fries... Wave the flag... get arrested at a ball game for getting a drink while someone sings the national anthem... etc etc etc... Its fucking INSANE.

    and I'm beginning to get sick of Obama too...
