Saturday, June 20, 2009

Same as it Ever Was...

[The bulk of this information comes from the documentary "The Obama Deception" which was written and directed by Alex Jones. His website is and there's a great guide for this movie at There's links for every piece of information included in the movie. A feat most filmmakers won't even bother trying.]

A little history so you can understand where I'm coming from with my anger and disappointment: I originally wanted Hillary Clinton for President. I voted for her in the Primary. My liberal views aligned more with Obama but I thought we really needed someone more middle of the road to get things done. Hillary lost the Primary and called for her supporters to back her former rival Barack Obama. I played to role of good little soldier, and yes, I got caught up in the whole "Audacity of Hope" rhetoric too. I waged my internet war against McCain and the "Old Boy's Club", telling anyone who'd listen to make sure they were registered and go out and vote, and take a chance on bettering our future.

When it came down to Election Day, I was ready and willing to vote "Change" and wash away the evils of the outgoing Presidency. I wasn't able, however, as I had an emergency to go pick up my daughter, Sarah, from Jacksonville, FL and bring her home. My heart was there, though. We all know the outcome, "Yes, We Can!" turned into "Yes, We Did!" and I never felt so empowered and included in a government in my life. A friend even told me "He should thank you, you helped him win!". I even made a song celebrating his win, and you can see that in the Video Bar to the right of this post.

Change? Yeah, I have four quarters.

It's the same old same old, all over again. Like the awesome sci-fi series Battlestar Galactica says "As it was before, so it shall be again". Empty promises. Back door shuffling. Dealing from the bottom of the deck and all that. And here's a list of some broken promises he's made.

Banker Bailout

Obama said that he's upset about all the bailout money, but his own Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel is the one who engineered the whole shebang.
Later, after public outrage, He signed an Executive Order to cap pay to executives whose companies want Federal Bailout money, but exempts all the banks who already got the money from us. The ones who caused the whole financial crisis to begin with.
The final version of this bill was kept secret from Congress until minutes before the vote, this was before he was in office but he lobbied hard for it's passing. The bill ended up being a blank check for the giving, and as of February 2009, it's cost the US $9.7 TRILLION DOLLARS! And no one is responsible for that money doing any good. We might as well have burned it.

Stimulus Package

Obama made the pledge to have Congress wait 5 days to vote on any bill. This is so the people (via a website) and Congress have time to really see what it's about. Apparently, the Stimulus Package was sooo important, that Congress was forced into a vote less than an hour after receiving the 1,070 page Stimulus Package. Can you read 1070 pages in an hour? Me neither, but it was really really important to the country to get it passed. So they passed a bill they couldn't possibly have read.
Well, let's go, Barack! Sign that thing into law already! Oh, wait, He needed to go on a little 4 day vacay and actually said out of his mouth, that there was no rush to sign it!!! What kinda Dubya bullshit is that? You made this big speech begging Congress to hurry up and vote, but then you blow off signing it? Fuck that.


A very prominent campaign point was the closing of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, lovingly referred to as Gitmo. Gitmo is a stain on the integrity of America. And you, Mr. President, promised us one of your first orders of business would be to close it, along with the shady goings on of the previous Administration. You even fooled us for a minute with an Executive Order. Alas, dear B to the O, the Exec. Order only says you'll look into closing it, if you wanna. On top of that, you expressly allow the practice of Renditions! They are basically, secret abductions where they take a prisoner and just make them disappear. Who knows where. That's some more of the same old same old.


More promises, less keeping them. I thought you would immediately start a 18 month troop withdrawal. Then it changed into starting it in 23 months. Who knows when it will really happen. Don't even say you can't do it! The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the military, so you absolutely can. Hey, I got an idea, why not send more troops to Afghanistan too? Oh yeah, you did.

Bored yet?

There's so much it's becoming tedious to write, and probably for you to read, so I'll leave you with these last little bits.
He claimed he'd keep lobbyists out of the White House but has named more lobbyists to positions in our Gov than any other President.
NSPD 51 is a doctrine that O. won't rescind. It gives the Prez Dictator-esque powers during an emergency.
Even after demonizing the Patriot Act, O. voted to reinstate it and continue warrant-less wire tappings.

Thanks, Barack for destroying my faith in our government, once again.

1 comment:

  1. Toԁay, I ωеnt to the beach front ωith
    my kiԁs. ӏ found a sea shell аnԁ gave
    it tο my 4 уeаr old ԁaughter and sаid "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear."
    Ѕhe ρut thе shell to her ear
    anԁ ѕсгeamed. There ωаs a hermit сrаb inѕidе аnd it pinсhed her ear.
    She never ωants to go bасκ!

    LoL І know this іs completely off toρic but I hаd
    to tell ѕomеone!

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