Thursday, March 19, 2009

What year is it? Oh yeah, I'm NOT a time traveler, damn!

Lost has been making me think about time travel lately. If you know me, then you probably know that I'm fascinated by all things Sci-Fi, and time travel is pretty close behind super powers on the list of things I think about that a grown man probably shouldn't. 

I like the way Lost is handling the time traveling. We haven't been told why this all happens yet, but i'm sure we'll know once the writers think the reasons up! Anywho, most of the time they travel through time mentally, their consciousness moves between then body and now body. It pretty much kills the worry of meeting the physical you of the past and creating that dreaded "disrupt the universe" paradox. It also takes quite a toll on the brain, confusion and pain and sometimes death occurs unless you find your "constant", which is usually a person to help ground you and keep your brain from going all mushy mashed potatoes. 

Lately, a group of the Losties have been traveling together through time on the Island, but physically instead of mentally. I think this is more of the Island itself moving through time and them staying in place. This would allow the writers to change the rules (that they've been following up to now, having a person move from their now self to the past self) to fit the story they're trying to tell. As we speak, the Losties are 30 years in the past. 

Aside from Lost, I was thinking about time travel in the sense of what if it's going on right now? Who's to say people aren't time traveling this very minute correcting things in their past (our present)? They could be averting global thermonuclear annihilation right this moment! Thank you, TimeCops of the future! For ensuring humanity will live to see another generation! And we would never know it! 

Also, what if our history, our past, has been completely changed from where we should have originally been? What if JFK was gonna somehow cause the downfall of the USA? I doubt it, but what if some enforcer from the future was the second gunman on the grassy knoll that day? His assassination prevented the Canadian Hockey Stick Invasion of '72! I'm so glad we're not saying "Eh?" and "aboot". What if 9/11 happened to specifically ensure the peace treaty with the Klorgax people of Argine 33? I'm not trying to belittle these events, but just show that the possibilities are endless!